How to Discover More Citadels in Path of Exile 2

Date: 2025-01-16 10:59:13

After finishing the main campaign and progressing through the Cruel difficulty Acts 1 to 3 in Path of Exile 2, players will enter the Endgame and gain access to the Atlas of Worlds. Within the Atlas map, you'll encounter a variety of distinct structures that offer unique gameplay challenges, such as the Realmgate, Lost Towers, and the Burning Monolith. One of the most intriguing and elusive features in the Endgame are the Citadels, which require a specific approach to locate.

What Are Citadels in PoE 2?
Citadels are special map nodes found in Path of Exile 2. There are three types: Iron, Copper, and Stone Citadels, each associated with a different boss from the campaign, but with significantly more power suitable for Endgame. Defeating the boss within each Citadel rewards you with a Crisis Fragment, which is necessary to open the Burning Monolith. This unlocks the Atlas pinnacle boss, Arbiter of Ash, and completes the "Pinnacle of Flame" quest.

●Iron Citadel: Home to Count Geonor (Act 1 boss), represented by a large city with black walls.
●Copper Citadel: Features Jamanra, The Abomination (Act 2 boss), which looks like a large encampment.
●Stone Citadel: Contains Doryani (Act 3 boss), resembling a stone pyramid akin to ziggurats in Act 3.

To access a Citadel, you need a Waystone of at least Tier 15. Once activated, you have a single chance to navigate the map and defeat the boss. These encounters are valuable not only for the Crisis Fragments but also for the potential high-quality loot dropped by the bosses.

How to Find Citadels in PoE 2
In the 0.1.1 update, Citadels become much easier to locate. They are now marked with a bright beacon of light visible through the Fog of War, allowing players to spot them from a greater distance on the Atlas map. If you’re unable to spot any Citadels in your area, follow these strategies to find more:

1.Explore in Straight Lines: Travel in one direction as straight as possible to reveal the most Fog of War. As you uncover more of the map, you increase your chances of spotting Citadel locations. This approach helps you open up the Atlas more efficiently and maximizes the areas you can explore.

2.Look for Lost Towers: Lost Towers are another unique structure on the Atlas map. They often serve as excellent markers, revealing a larger section of the map once you complete them. These structures may unveil nearby Citadels, so always prioritize them during your exploration.

3.Target Specific Biomes for Each Citadel Type: Each Citadel type tends to spawn in specific biomes:
●Iron Citadels are commonly found in Grass or Forest biomes.
●Copper Citadels appear frequently in Desert biomes.
●Stone Citadels tend to be located along the coasts of any biome.
If you’re looking for a particular type of Citadel to progress to the Burning Monolith, focus your efforts on the relevant biome.

At this stage, if you're looking to speed up your Citadel discovery, you might consider buying POE 2 accounts with higher progression. This could make finding Citadels and unlocking higher-tier content easier and more rewarding.

4.Proceed in Different Directions: Once you’ve found your first Citadel, the best way to find another is to head in a completely different direction. This strategy increases your chances of discovering a new Citadel. Citadels are rarely found near each other, so exploring in fresh areas maximizes your odds of locating another one.

Maximize Your Citadel Discovery
After the 0.1.1 update, the beacon system ensures that Citadels are much easier to track down. By exploring in straight lines, looking for Lost Towers, and targeting the right biomes, you can successfully uncover more Citadels as you progress through the Endgame. Remember, Citadels are often isolated from one another, so once you’ve found one, it’s best to change your direction to uncover new ones. Keep an eye on the beacons in the Fog of War to guide your journey.

Additionally, if you are finding it difficult to gather the resources you need for exploration, you can buy POE 2 currency to help enhance your gameplay and provide more options for upgrading gear and progressing faster. With these tips in hand, you’ll be better equipped to discover Citadels in Path of Exile 2, unlocking their rewards and further progressing your character.


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